Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm not ready and I don't even care...

this is the sentiment I have been hearing from many of our friends I speak to this Holiday Season
So much to do and so little time and it doesn't matter anyway because the economy is so bad and everyone is getting bailed out but me!
I hear that people are cutting back this year but yet almost everyone I speak to is completely stressed out.
What would happen if we got back to basics?
What would happen if we did not bake 12 different kinds of cookies but rather 3 really special kinds?
What would happen if we did not give everyone we know an expensive gift that we totally stressed out looking for but rather a sentimental card and some layered brownies in a jar with well wishes for the coming year?
Really, think about it!
The spirit of Christmas is in YOU, it is in all of us, sometimes we need to reach deep down to find it though... especially this year!
The spirit of Christmas is in YOU
It is in the face of YOU riding around on a cold night looking at the neighbors Christmas Lights,
it is in the face of YOU at the Holiday Service singing your favorite Christmas Carol ,
it is in the face of YOU, greeting your loved ones Christmas Day,
It is in the face of YOU when you know that things do not have to be perfect to be PERFECT.
Remember that
"We don't "get" the spirit, we give it".
We give it to ourselves.
So why not give ourselves a break this Christmas and not stress so much about the things that really don't matter and concentrate on the things that do. We cannot change the state of the world, but we can change the state of our world.
What will YOU do today to share the spirit of Christmas?

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